
Created by Sonya 2 years ago
Christmas was always the best time of year in our house. πŸŽ„It would begin as close to December as possible. The house would be decorated beautifully with lights everywhere and lots of goodies to eat. Just like most children Joel was no exception to enjoying all the festive activities from watching films, playing games and indulging in good food,πŸ— drink 🍺and spending as much time with the family as he could. We had some great Christmas's with fun, games so much laughter and wonderful family. Joel loved every minute as did all of us. He could be so funny and entertaining from such a young age, playing the entertainer and loving his food. Christmas eve we would order take out and indulge all together then generally play X box till very late. Once Joel and Jody were tucked up in bed i would sneek in there rooms and leave each of them a nice new outfit  for Christmas morning and some kind of activity to keep them busy for a bit so we could have a lay in. But the pair of them would end up dressed and sniggering until we had to get up. We had many traditions, nans and grandads for dinner on Christmas day and Boxing day. So lots of presents.🎁 Stockings filled for after tea and then lots of game playing .This continued even into their late teens, their friends would come round ours as we would have lots of fun and always welcome them. When Joel went to Spain this was tough for all of us a big peice was missing and really made an impact on the whole Christmas experience, it was very different and definately not what we were used too.So when he came back Christmas was back to normal once again and the fun resumed . It was so wonderful to have him home again.πŸ’š little did I know we would soon have to get used to him never coming home again πŸ’” my beautiful charming, funny, happy , annoying shower loving son would not be with us anymore for Christmas. It is still so hard and Christmas will never be the same for us without him ever again. We have amazing memories and wonderful photos as you can see and I cherish them and need to share these to remind everyone how much his presence is missed and keep him alive in our hearts. πŸ•―πŸŒ 
