Keeping Joel with us.

Created by Sonya 2 years ago
Not having Joel around, being able to see him, hear him and even smell him is so difficult and doesn't get any easier with time at all. Special events and occasions are particularly tough and I do my best to keep him with us, reminding others of him and giving gifts with his photos on or items made from his clothes, buying myself gifts from him on Christmas, Mothers day and my birthday. 💐 I buy him presents too on his memorable dates, but not presents I would have bought him in life, tributes to him in his memory 😟 that probably sounds very sad and strange to some but to me it helps keep him close to us all. His memory is all I have left to share along with stories of his life now gone . 💔 Nothing can replace him so its important to me to continue to remind others of him to allow him to live on each day with us. 🕯
